The problems
1. Distributing code to autoscaled EC2 instances without user interaction .
2. Launching new instances with the current code release.
(Please do not use any code in this article without proper testing in a non-production environment!)
An architecture based upon EBS snapshots, rsync, the EC2 and Autoscaling api tools.
Problem 1. Publishing code to existing instances
Application code is stored on release server, on a dedicated EBS volume.
The deployment script performs the following operations:
1. Obtain list of instances in Autoscaling group(s)
2. Push application code from /release autoscaled instances.
3. Snapshot the underlying EBS volume and save the snapshot id for instances launched later.
Problem 2: Launching instances with the correct code
UNIX system init script running on the new instance performs the following steps:
If /release is not already configured:
- Query http://releasesrvr/snap.txt for the latest snapshot id
- Create a new EBS volume based upon this snapshot
- Mount the new volume at /release
- Continue with boot process
Release server setup
1. Configure EC2, Autoscaling tools. Open HTTP port 80. Install and enable apache.
iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save
yum -y install httpd
chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start
2. Create volume
ec2-create-volume --region us-east-1 -z us-east-1b -s 40
3. Attach volume
ec2-attach-volume --region us-east-1 -d /dev/sdk1 --instance i-12345678 vol-12345678
4. Format volume
mkfs.ext3 -L code_release /dev/sdk1
5. Mount volume
echo "" >>/etc/fstab
echo "LABEL=code_release /release ext3 defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
mount /release
6. Copy code
rsync -az stagecode:/release /release
7. Snapshot the volume
ec2-create-snapshot -d latestrelease vol-12345678 | awk '{print $2}' >/var/www/html/snap.txt
Deployment pseudocode
# push code to autoscaled instances
sync;sync;sync;sleep 2 # flush buffers to disk
for i in `as-describe-auto-scaling-instances |awk '{print $2}'`; do
ec2-describe-instances $i |grep INSTANCE|awk '{print $12}' >>$LIST;
for i in `cat $LIST`; do
echo "Syncing from $SRC to $i:$DEST";
rsync -av --delete -e "ssh -i$KEY" $SRC www@$i:$DEST;
Boot pseudocode
# create release filesystem at boot
if ! grep “/release” /etc/fstab ; then
VOL=`curl http://releasesrvr/snap.txt`
VOL_ID=`ec2-create-volume --snapshot $VOL | awk '{print $2'}`
ec2-attach-volume $VOL -i $myinstance -d $DEV
while [ ! -e $DEV ]; do
sleep 5;
let i++
if [ $i -gt 10 ]; then
echo "exceeded attempts waiting for device $DEV"
exit 1
You must configure both the ec2 and autoscaling api tools as a prerequisite.
This process may not be well suited for publishing data that changes frequently.
In an ideal world, the /release volume on the deployment host would be unmounted before snapshotting.
There is a potential race condition here if code is being published during an autoscale event.
Programming examples have been simplified for clarity. An implementation of this architecture will require a non-trivial amount of code and operating system knowledge..
Please remember that most ec2/autoscaling commands accept --region REGION .